Monday, February 13, 2017

Who I Am

Well, here goes! I've never blogged before, and it's rather daunting to me. But I am doing it because I believe there are important things I can do to help people. And in the process, I know I will learn and grow into a better person.

When I was asking my husband what I could write about on a blog, he listed some things for me that kind of depict who I am. 

I am:

  • A Child of God
  • A Wife to an amazing husband. I really love him.
  • A mom. This feels like the biggest part of who I am right now because it consumes my day and night. I have three beautiful children that I am sure I will brag about later, and one more on the way.

I am:
  • A singer, music is in my soul.
  • A reader. This one's more difficult. I almost feel like a liar when I say I'm a reader. The truth is, I've only read a handful of books in the last five years. Why? When I used to spend every waking minute inside the pages of a novel. Well the truth is, kids take brain power, and time, and energy. While I am writing this, my 18 month old is screaming at my 3 1/2 year old, trying to get her mega blocks... See? If I was reading, my brain would've been snapped right out of my story and I would've enjoyed the same sentence 5 times until I realized I still didn't completely comprehend it. Side note: I am the wife of a high school english teacher and I almost just ended my sentence with a dangling modifier. He's actually NOT a grammar nazi, but I do absorb some things from him, and they pop into my head at very strange moments.
  • A gardener... well I want to be a gardener. My mom is a Master gardener. We had a garden a few years ago when A (our oldest -- almost 6!) was 2. Since then, I've just dabbled in bucket growing, but I long for a full vegetable and flower garden.
  • A lover of coffee shops and cafes, good conversation, and atmosphere. Problem is, going to these places doesn't happen often as I would like. Kids are difficult to take places, with all the squirminess and interrupting. 
  • A leader and an entrepreneur--or maybe a momtrapreneur--making a way for our family while I stay home and care for our littles is my life. The goal is to help, inspire, and encourage as many people as I can, as quickly as I can. In the process, I gain depth, quality of character, and success for my family.
And the most important piece of who I am...

  • A teacher. I have always been a teacher. I may have chosen to stay home for my family over having a classroom, but the teacher will never leave me. It is forever who I am.

So there you have it. A few things about me. I am simple, but complicated. Complicated, but simple. I love Jesus, my family, and have a heart for the children of the world. 


  1. This is awesome! So excited to read your blog as it continues!

    Love you! Lyndsey

  2. Thank you Lyndsey! I am super excited!
