Sunday, February 19, 2017

Power of Smell

If there's one sense I'd say I have mastered, it's SMELL. I'm sure my nose is not as keen as a dog or an ant, but I'm pretty decent at identifying scents. Especially, the difference between good and disgusting.

Ever since I was pregnant for the first time, my sense of smell has been awesome...and incredibly annoying. For some reason, smells find my nose and linger until either I can't take it anymore, or find a way to magically blend it into the rest of the air I'm breathing.

When you're pregnant, it's fairly likely that it's the repulsive smells that get the most attention. Walking into the house, and the garbage can has decided to become the air freshener. Yep. Going into the bathroom, I can tell right away if the toilet has not been flushed. Most often I am the first one to smell the toddler's dirty diaper... thanks bud.

It's kinda funny because Adam has almost no sense of smell. Yes, we are a good match. It only presents a problem when I am trying to determine the reason for the smell, and he can't even smell it.

But today, what presented me with this idea of a lovely, smelly blogpost is the laundry. Ever leave the clothes in the washer for, say an extra day? Yep. ME. All the time. Maybe because I have about a hundred thousand things I'm doing all day? There's a timer on the washer, but it doesn't do any good unless you're ready to transfer clothes at that very moment. So, often, they get left in. And if there is something my nose tells me it just can't handle, it's stinky been-in-the-washer-to-long clothes.

The big dilemma is, if they smell ok, but you know they've been left too long, do you dry them or re-wash them? Half the time if you dry them, they end up needing a re-wash anyway.

I deal. And I've learned some cool tricks for getting stink out of clothes. But tonight, I just wanted to curl up in a blanket on the couch. Pregnancy makes you tired too... and both my blankets were stinky.

So I get to practice visualizing beautiful. I'm learning to let these little things go. I can draw my rainbow, and find something beautiful. Like how amazing God made us with our five senses. Smell is a blessing.

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